littlehoneyfox zines
A little place to hold all our current, past, and future projects! You can also get to know the team behind littleyhoneyfox zines ♡

Our Current Team

Mod Honey originally created lhf when they were first introduced into the world of zines as a way to bring people together. Now, with a few projects under her belt, Honey continues to love being involved with zines in every aspect. Her past projects are Olympian, and You&Me. Her current projects are King of the Mountain and Heroes Ever After.

Mod Linh joined the team during You & Me and is joining lhf zines again for another project! They've been involved in previous projects as an writing contributor, and was the editor and literature moderator for You & Me. Their current project is Heroes Ever After as the graphic designer.

Mod Chi is one of the newest mods on the team! Chi is both an artist and a writer. She has been part of projects such as You & Me, Summer Explosion as the cover artist. Her current projects are Dragonkiri as an artist, King of the Mountain as an artist, and Heroes Ever After as an artist and moderator.
littlehoneyfox zines' projects
You & Me
My Hero Academia pets au
You & Me was our second project as a group. It was moderated by Honey, Nai, Linh, Faye, and Leor. Honey did whatever needed to be done - production, shipping, communication with contributors and moderators, you name it! Nai was our art director and was in charge of making sure our artists had everything they needed. Linh was our editor/literature mod and helped our writers with revisions, ideas, etc. Linh also stepped up and helped with anything around the zine! Faye was our graphic designer and created most of our graphics. Leor was in charge of our digital copy and its formatting.
In this zine, we featured artists and writers. We did a physical and digital copy of the zine, as well as merchandise.

My Hero Academia sports au
Olympian was our first project as a group! It was moderated by Nai and Honey to raise money for the Special Olympics. It was a physical zine that featured artists only!